‘The Cloud’ is an integral part of businesses nowadays and we are seeing more and more companies taking the next step to store their applications and data in the Cloud. Therefore, we should not be surprised that the Cloud industry is growing every day.
In this blog we will cover 3 tyoes of Cloud deployment: Private Cloud, Public Cloud & Hybrid Cloud. But why is one model better than the other? Which differences and advantages must you take into account? You’ll read all about it in this blog!
The Public Cloud is a fully virtualized environmentwhere the services of a third party, namely the Cloud service provider, are used. In doing so, they offer resources such as software, hardware, storage space, servers, VMs, etc. remotely. Well-known providers include Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services and IBM Cloud.
The resources discussed above are owned by the service providerand distributed to various buyers/tenants. The data that is stored per tenant in the Cloud remains safely shielded from other tenants. This model is great for growing businesses with fluctuating needs.
The Private Cloud, also called Internal or Corporate Cloud, is an environment tailored to the needs and goals of a company. Thus, unlike the Public Cloud, it is not shared among different buyers/tenants. In this model, you can either choose to place the Cloud in a data center within your own company or you can use a hosting service provider. Well-known providers are VMware, Dell EMC, IBM, HPE and Oracle.
The Private Cloud is tailor-made for your company needs so you can choose which resources to purchase and use. This model is ideal for enterprises that find the Public Cloud unsuitable or unsafe for the needs of their business.
The Hybrid Cloud is a combination of the Public Cloud, Private Cloud and an on-premise IT infrastructure. This allows data and applications to move between platforms. One of the biggest advantages of the Hybrid Cloud is therefore flexibility and has the added benefit that within this model you can choose which important applications and business-sensitive information to keep in-house and which to place in the Cloud. In this way, you can keep control and are not hampered in speed and accessibility. Moreover, when you store and manage your most important data and applications internally, you are also in control of their security.
The Hybrid Cloud is ideal for companies that are highly fluctuating and require the ability to switch quickly. In fact, this model allows the Cloud capacity to be expanded and scaled back when desired. Moreover, the cost-per-usage model also applies here and you only pay for what you use.
OPerating EXpenses (operating costs) or OPEX costs refers to the recurring costs that a company incurs for services or products such as:
– Electricity
– Internet
– Hardware maintenance
– Personnel costs
As you can see, there are different ways to invest in Cloud Computing within your company. Want to get started, but don’t know how? Send an email to info@epact.be. We are happy to tell you more about the different options that fit your business needs and goals.